Was 150 - NOW MAKE THAT 197!
As you will no doubt have read previously in the BBB, our very own 'Bard' has been a regular blood donor for more years than he would care to remember. Recently he made his 197th donation and also learned that at 86 he was now the oldest current donor in the UK. An achievement of which he is justifiably proud. The photo shown below was taken to mark the occasion.
He informed us that his aim was to reach the 200 mark and we have no doubt that if he remains fit and healthy he will undoubtedly achieve his goal.
Looks like the press has caught up with him. Read the report on
Also a mention in the official Blood Donor magazine on
Now a video has been made about his efforts, thanks to the Lancashire Post. Watch it on https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8eqeza